FIND:- Find - searches for files in a directory hierarchy
FIND command uses and example
(1) Find all files whose name is abc in pwd (Present Working Directory)
[root@CLIENT ~ ] # find . -name abc
(2) Find all file in /home directory whose name is abc
[root@CLIENT ~ ] # find /home -name abc
(3) Find all file whose name is abc ignoring case senstivity
[root@CLIENT ~ ] # find /home -iname abc
(4) Find a directory in /home directory whose name is arun
[root@CLIENT ~ ] # find /home -type d -name arun
(5) Find all html files in Linux file system
[root@CLIENT ~ ] # find / -type f -name "*.html"
(6) Find files base on their permissions
[root@CLIENT ~ ] # find / -type f -perm 700
(7) Find all files with their permission 700 and change permission with 600
[root@CLIENT ~ ] # find / -type f -perm 700 -exec chmod 600 {} \;
(8) Find all files base on user arun
[root@CLIENT ~ ] # find / -user arun
(9) Find all files base on group Linux
[root@CLIENT ~ ] # find / -group Linux
(10) Find a particular file named abc.txt of user arun
[root@CLIENT ~ ] # find / -type f -user arun -name abc.txt
(11) Find files and directory on base of date and time
-atime access time | +90 more than 90 days back
-mtime modified time | 90 exact 90 days back
-ctime change time | -90 less than 90 days back
[root@CLIENT ~ ] # find / -ctime +90
(12) Find files whose size is less than 10 MB
[root@CLIENT ~ ] # find / -size -10M
(13) Find files whose size is less than 100 MB and more than 50 MB
[root@CLIENT ~ ] # find / -size -100M -size +50M
FIND command uses and example
(1) Find all files whose name is abc in pwd (Present Working Directory)
[root@CLIENT ~ ] # find . -name abc
(2) Find all file in /home directory whose name is abc
[root@CLIENT ~ ] # find /home -name abc
(3) Find all file whose name is abc ignoring case senstivity
[root@CLIENT ~ ] # find /home -iname abc
(4) Find a directory in /home directory whose name is arun
[root@CLIENT ~ ] # find /home -type d -name arun
(5) Find all html files in Linux file system
[root@CLIENT ~ ] # find / -type f -name "*.html"
(6) Find files base on their permissions
[root@CLIENT ~ ] # find / -type f -perm 700
(7) Find all files with their permission 700 and change permission with 600
[root@CLIENT ~ ] # find / -type f -perm 700 -exec chmod 600 {} \;
(8) Find all files base on user arun
[root@CLIENT ~ ] # find / -user arun
(9) Find all files base on group Linux
[root@CLIENT ~ ] # find / -group Linux
(10) Find a particular file named abc.txt of user arun
[root@CLIENT ~ ] # find / -type f -user arun -name abc.txt
(11) Find files and directory on base of date and time
-atime access time | +90 more than 90 days back
-mtime modified time | 90 exact 90 days back
-ctime change time | -90 less than 90 days back
[root@CLIENT ~ ] # find / -ctime +90
(12) Find files whose size is less than 10 MB
[root@CLIENT ~ ] # find / -size -10M
(13) Find files whose size is less than 100 MB and more than 50 MB
[root@CLIENT ~ ] # find / -size -100M -size +50M